The Abominators: and My Amazing Panty Wanty Woos!

abominators cover

Mucker, Boogster, Cheesy and Bob, also known as The Abominators, are the most mischievous characters you will ever have come across.

Their interests include chaos, mayhem and filling the school toilets with strawberry jelly.

Their interests definitely DO NOT include making friends with panty-wanty-woo-wearing new boy, Cecil Trumpington-Potts.

Cecil, however, is certain he can change their minds . . .

Before I start with my review I will say that I think that this book would win the award for title of the year if there was such an award – and maybe there should be!

Releasing frogs into the staffroom?

The Abominators did it!

Filling the toilets with strawberry jelly?

The Abominators did it!

Using their body parts during show and tell?

Yes that is the Abominators!

Every school has them, the makers of mayhem, the rabble rousers, the kids who cause chaos for fun and because they can! Grimley East Primary School is perhaps not the best that one can find but it is here that Cecil Trumpington-Potts finds himself after his father Lord T-P loses the family fortune and is forced to enrol his son in the state school system. For young Cecil previously home-schooled it is a dream come true, he will finally get the chance to meet pepole his own age and make friends. Unfortunately he sets his sights on getting into the Abominators, but with his delicate features and love for his panty wanty woos they are not as keen on making his acquaintance…

The Abominators and My Amazing Panty Wanty Woos!
is the first book in The Abominators series, and although aimed at the 7+ market it will be enjoyed by older readers. This book is funny and although I am so far out of the age range as to be positively ancient I still laughed several times! The story boasts five primary characters and a goodly-sized supporting cast the break-out character for me was Cecil’s father Lord Trumpington-Potts, who reminds me a bit of Philip Ardagh crossed with an extremely eccentric character that used to come into one of the libraries I worked in a few years ago.

The main thrust of the novel was hilarious and there are a few side-plots that I am hoping will be developed through the series and as such I am looking forward to further books in the series!

Post-script: I read the first chapter to my girlfriend over the phone (we were chatting and she asked me to tell a story) and she asked me if it was a story in the same vein as Wimpy Kid or Horrid Henry which is pretty spot on as it is being marketed as a book for fans of those two series.

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