Monthly Archives: December 2013

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The Night Before Christmas: Trouble by Non Pratt

trouble angle

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the flat
Not a creature was stirring, they were all lying flat.
I put my Doc Martins on and tied the long laces double,
I peered through the window, I was looking for Trouble.

The new YA title by the awesome Non Pratt.
A compelling read, not a sentence was flat!
A story about Hannah and Aaron as well,
a pregnant teenager and her new bestest pal.

A story with friendships and family too,
and the things that can happen when they turn on you.
The tale is a list of the things that teens do.
There are parties and lying, some sex involved too.

If you’re in the market for something to read
and think that teens problems are the last thing you need.
I beg you to please reconsider your choice
or you’ll miss an ace writer with an excellent voice!

Trouble is written by Non Pratt and will be published by Walker Books on the 6th March 2014.

Huey, Louie & Melvil Dewey: the Quest for the Missing Duck

A power point adventure with interactive aspects that can enable groups of students to help Huey and Louie use the library find the information they need to locate and retrieve Dewey.