Monthly Archives: January 2013

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Holocaust Memorial Day: Death's Head Revisited

Sunday 27 January is Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2013. Today, please take a moment to remember those communities which were destroyed during the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution and the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Location: Dachau concentration camp years after World War II. A retired German SS captain returns to reminisce about his days in power. Until he finds himself at the mercy of those he tortured, and on trial by those who died at his hands. Justice will finally be served . . . in the Twilight Zone.

Death’s Head Revisited is a graphic reimagining of the classic Twilight Zone episode of the same name. It details the story of former SS captain Gunther Lutze who returns to Dachau from South America to relive his old glory days only to be confronted by the ghosts of those he had murdered decades before.

I had never seen the original episode so the graphic novel was my introduction to this classic story, I have since watched it (video below) and an mot sure which version of the story I find more chilling. It is a brilliantly told and illustrated story of vengeance from beyond the grave.

The horror of the concentration camp is shown in full colour and the charges laid against the captain are chilling to read. Lutze is unrepentant and at first unbelieving of what is happening to him and needless to say gets what he deserves.

An endnote to the story features similarities of the story with that of real-life Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, who was tried for his crimes around the time the original story was written.

You can watch the original episode here:

Death’s-Head Revisited (Dir. Don Medford, 1961) from CAJ on Vimeo.

A Major Problem with Libraries

The problem with libraries is not generally with libraries (well not with most libraries anyway).

To get an idea of some of the things that librarians in libraries do, the inspiring Lauren Smith in 2011 wrote a list that you can read on the Voices for the Library site here.
A major problem that libraries have is the perception that many people have about them; people do not value things if they do not know the true value inherent within them. The root of this problem lies with the staff – Librarians and others who work therein. If you have read the list above you may think “Wait a minute, how does that work?”

Let me tell you.

As a profession we excel at doing things with a minuscule budget, we are good at providing services, training and making welcoming spaces for the community. Unfortunately we are generally absolutely abysmal at promoting what we do. We know what we do, the people that use libraries know what we do (as far as it intersects with what they need).

I was at the Youth Libraries Group Unconference on Saturday and saw old friends and made new ones and in the discussion groups that I attended I heard some of what people were up to in their branches. They were doing amazing things, simple but wonderful things, and generally they felt that it was nothing special. This attitude of I am just doing my job and nobody will be interested in what I do is one that I have run into many times over the past eight years that I have been running Teen Librarian and it makes me tear out what is left of my hair in frustration.

I speak to a number of people across the country that I have met over the years (both virtually and in real life) and keep tabs on what they are doing with regards to running teen programming in their libraries. When I meet new people who share my views on teen library services I have begged and pleaded for them to write something for me to share what they are doing with others so that there is a pool of knowledge that will grow into a sea. Sometimes people are constrained by time and – hey we are librarians I think we all know how limited that particular resource can be but usually they do not think they are doing anything amazing or that anyone else would be interested in hearing about it.

I am not talking about the Headspace project or the Reading Activist work being led by The Reading Agency although those could also do with having a higher profile. What really annoys me is the teen and youth services librarians, usually working on their own who through ingenuity and/or passion for a particular hobby or interest have fashioned events or clubs that can run on a shoestring and then not think that it is anything special.
I am not saying that if everyone shares their ideas and examples of best practice that everything will magically become better, I think we all know that our chosen careers will become even more difficult over the years but if we share what we have – the ideas for running events, thoughts on what could work and indeed what has not worked then it will forge closer ties between the staff in the libraries of Britain and make our lives easier. We must also learn to be more proactive in getting the word out about what we do; when council heads show their ignorance as to the rules are regarding service provision that makes me wonder what else they do not know about libraries. We need to embrace the educational aspect of our jobs and tell people what we do.

Sharing is caring!

Night School: Legacy Blog Tour

Legacy Jacket ImageWelcome to the Teen Librarian stop on the Night School: Legacy Blog Tour. Legacy is the sequel to the amazing Night School by C.J. Daugherty

For your delectation we have a member card for Night School member Gabe Porthus below as well as the video trailer for Legacy.

If this is the first time you have come across the Night School: Legacy Tour – do not panic! The rules are below the member card as are links to the other stops on the tour!

For complete details about the tour and competition please visit C.J. Daugherty’s Night School’s Members Page

Night School Challenge Rules:

  • Visit 14 book blogs between 3rd – 10th January
  • Locate and collect 14 Night School Skill words
  • Return to the Night School Members page to enter your collected skills by 13th January
  • The entry form will be live from January 10th and will close at midnight on January 13th
  • If you successfully complete the challenge you will become a Night School member for life – when this happens you will receive a membership charter and Night School members badge to download
  • The first ten people to receive Night School membership will be rewarded for their speed with an exclusive Night School goodie bag.
  • Legacy Blog Tour Dates

    Thurs 3rd – Fluttering Butterflies & I Want to Read That

    Fri 4th – Teen Librarian & Mostly Reading YA

    Sat 5th – District YA

    Sun 6th – So Many Books, So Little Time

    Mon 7th – The Bookette & Endlessly Bookish

    Tues 8th – Feeling Fictional & Bookaholics Book Club

    Weds 9th – Pewter Wolf & Book Passion for Life

    Thurs 10th – Serendipity Reviews & Once upon a Bookcase