March 26 March for the Alternative

On the 26th March I and over 250 000 other concerned public sector workers and members of the public participated in the March for the Alternative to the public sector cuts that are ravaging the UK.

As a librarian I freely admit that my reasons for attending the march were not completely altruistic but I believe in the public sector services that we offer. As a teen and youth services librarian I have worked, and do work with teenagers and young adults that not only need our services but thrive on the work we do with them. The cuts do not just affect libraries although it often does seem as if our part of the public sector is being harder hit than others.

The March was fantastic, standing in solidarity with colleagues from across the country it was a first step in showing the powers that be that we are prepared to stand up for what we believe in and to offer a united front against the cuts that are happening. I was unable to meet up with any librarians on the march but I did bump into a number of library supporters from Gloucestershire and other parts of the country. I also spoke to as many of the marchers as I could and it was fantastic! I have added in the photos I took on the march below.

More protests coming

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  1. Pingback: Library campaigners at March For The Alternative |

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