Monthly Archives: April 2024

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‘An uplifting, hopeful, empowering memoir that celebrates self-discovery and self-love’ – Alice Oseman, author of the bestselling Heartstopper series

An unmissable graphic novel perfect for fans of the global hit Heartstopper and Juno Dawson’s What’s the T?

Hello! I’m Theo. I like cats, Dungeons & Dragons . . . and I’m trans and non-binary.

Ever since I was young, I’ve been on a journey to explore who I am. To discover the things that make me . . . me.

Sometimes it can feel like the world is trying to fit you into a box, to label you one way or another, but there is nothing more wonderful than finding your true authentic self, whoever you are. Whether you are transgender or cisgender, we are all searching for ways to make our houses feel like homes . . .

In Homebody, Theo tells the heartwarming story of discovering how to live life on their own terms through beautiful illustrations and lyrical text.


The way Theo looks back on their life so far is so honest and eloquent, figuring out how they feel about themselves as well as how to present themselves to the world on their own terms, and could really help teens and adults not only empathise but reflect on their own path and the journey they’re still on. I absolutely *adored* this book and wish everyone that has “concerns” about trans youth would read it to really think about what it means to be comfortable in yourself, something that many people take for granted especially as they get further away from the growing pains of their teen years. Some people will know themselves and hardly change, others will go through lots of different outward expressions before they feel that the world’s view of them matches their own, some are scared to express themselves honestly, while others still will think that they know themselves until they come across something new to them that opens their eyes to an aspect of themselves they’d neglected.

So much of it resonated with me: When I was a teenager I was frequently mistaken for a boy because of my short hair and baggy clothes and I had conversations with family and friends (not all, but enough) about how no one would ever love me if I didn’t change the way I looked…all the thoughts about what girls and boys should like and not fitting in and knowing that it *shouldn’t* matter what your hobbies are or what you wear wear or how you style your hair but that society will tell you that you’re getting it wrong because for some reason it *does* matter. I keep going back to the book because there are so many beautiful, insightful pages. Anyway, a boy did (does) love me, short hair and all, so listen to Theo’s advice below.

I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to share some pages from the book, and also ask Theo a few questions:

Tell us about your new graphic novel 

Homebody is an uplifting and affirming graphic memoir about life outside of the gender binary. An honest and heartwarming look at the joy and beauty of finding yourself and the positive impact of living as your authentic self. Homebody speaks to a universal experience of exploring what makes us who we are, how we express that to the world and of the relationship we all have between our minds and bodies. Whether you are transgender, cisgender or still figuring it out, we are all searching for ways to make our houses feel like homes, and to come to a place of ease within ourselves.

Which advice would you pass on to your younger self?

Find the people who love and accept you for who you are, exactly as you are, you don’t have to change anything about yourself to be liked. Instead of trying to figure out what other people want or expect you to be, focus on being the person that you want to be and the rest will fall into place.

Homebody is such a unique book, but do you have any titles you could recommend for teens that devour your story?

I have a long list of graphic novels I love! But my top picks for teens who enjoyed Homebody would be: ‘The Girl From the Sea’ by Molly Knox Ostertag- a sweet coming of age sapphic romance with a sprinkle of fantasy.
‘Deadendia’ by Hamish Steele – a funny and imaginative series set in a theme park that’s connected to demonic realms, with a trans protagonist and great LGBTQ+ and neurodivergent representation.
‘Welcome to St Hell’ – a hilarious, honest and relatable autobiography from trans creator Lewis Hancox about his time at high school and figuring out his trans identity. 

Have you any other projects on the go that are developing into full books? After such a personal debut, what would you most like to write about?

I am currently working on my second graphic novel, which is going to be another fairly personal book actually! It’s based on my experiences of moving through the world as neurodivergent but not realising that until much later in life. Beyond that I would love to write fantasy as it’s one of my favourite genres to read.

Homebody is published today by Macmillan, aimed at age 14+

Solidarity to Student Protesters!

As long-time teen services library person as well as being someone who has participated in a number social movements protesting injustice over the years, I am in awe of the students on college grounds across the US standing up to protest the cruelty being meted out against a captive population of predominantly women and children in Gaza.

Armored police officers being unleashed on students that are participating in their constitutionally protected right to protest is bringing up memories of the actions of the police set loose on protesting students by the apartheid government in my home country of South Africa.

The “youth of today” get a lot of grief from people my age and older about how they have no oomph or are unwilling to stand up for anything or get involved in making the world a better place. Well after this current time of protest is over then I think anyone who says shit like that should shut up!

I have worked as a youth services and teen librarian for over 20 years now and the level of engagement and involvement young adults have shown in standing up for what they believe in over the years has always inspired me! The student newspapers are covering the protests on their campuses better than many of their national press colleagues – have a read below.

Links to US Student run College Newspaper articles about the Protests:

NYU Student Protest

Emerson College Student Encampment

Minnesota Faculty, students protests occur on Northrop Mall, at Coffman Union

Student Radio

Lowborn High

For as long as anyone can remember, Wychdusk Manor has been the school to which all the top magical novices are sent, where they are trained to become the world’s greatest wizards. Androgeus Frost, part of one of the wizarding worlds’ most esteemed families, always thought it was a sure thing he’d get in, but somehow finds himself dumped at Lowborn High.

Lowborn High is one of the best stories to come out of 2000AD Regened – special issues with stories suitable for all ages that are published a handful of times a year.

If you are not an aficionado of The Galaxy’s Greatest Comic and would like a frame of reference think crumbling, inner city Hogwarts.

Writer David Barnett has taken a handful of well-worn magical world and high school tropes, mixed them together and buffed them up considerably to craft a story that is engaging, entertaining and worth several rereads! An over-subscribed, struggling school school with a motley collection of students who are often at odds with the staff, throw in mysterious back stories and machinations from the hidden world of magic mixed in with a fish out of water experience and the healing power of friendship and you have only barely begun to scratch the surface. Anna Morzova and Mike Walters are the artists who bring David’s words to life. Their art styles complement each other and are perfect for this brand of storytelling.

If you have been searching for an ongoing story of magic, mystery and friendship with a diverse cast of characters and a more believable location that a hidden castle in the Highlands, with a lot less real world creator controversy then Lowborn High may be just the graphic novel for you! Plus once you have read it you can discover all the amazing work that has come out of 2000AD over the years!

I have read Lowborn High several times now – in the original progs and have read my review copy three times since receiving it. I have also put a request in for my library to purchase copies so that I can recommend it to some of my favourite patrons who may otherwise never know of its existence! Seriously library folk, this is a graphic novel that will do well in your collections! Trust me – I am a Librarian!

Find out more about the creators and their other works here:

David Barnett

Anna Morzova

Mike Walters

Lowborn High, by David Barnett, Anna Morzova & Mike Walters is aimed squarely at teen readers but is suitable for most ages. It is published by 2000AD and is available now! More details on where to find it can be found here.

Girl Scout’s Anti-censorship Commendation Censored by Board of Supervisors

Inspired by the Hanover County School Board’s decision to ban 19 books from the libraries in the schools they oversee; on June 2023 Kate Lindley started Free to Read, her project for the Girl Scout Gold Award.

She created a Free to Read app with information on each book, including why it was banned and how to access copies of the books. After the board banned a further 75 books in November of 2023 Kate went a step further and set up book nooks in two local businesses.

Screenshots of the Free to Read app

I think that everyone who has observed the national mania for book-banning that has been emerging over the past few years agrees that it is positively Orwellian; but this is where things start taking a turn for the Kafkaesque. On April 10, the Hanover County supervisors met to approve language honoring the Girl Scouts that had completed their Gold Award projects. During the meeting the supervisor for the Cold Harbor District Michael Herzberg pulled Lindley’s proclamation and submitted a motion for amending it, removing language that identified locations where the books were available as well as any mentions of censorship or banned books.

The Board of Supervisors has bestowed upon me the greatest honor anyone fighting censorship and banning could receive by censoring me and my project ~ Kate Lindley

When the young adults of our society act with more maturity and decorum than the actual adults that are running things, I get a hankering for generational change in leadership. Then I feel guilty for wanting to dump the problems created by my generation and the ones that have come before us onto the next generation that are still growing and learning.

We need to address these issues and let our kids be kids. Looking at them, and the work they are already shouldering to make the world they are on the cusp of inheriting a better place I know that they are going to be alright!

Links for more information

Hanover girl scout creates ‘banned book nook’ after new policy takes 19 books off school shelves:

Hanover Girl Scout fights censorship with ‘Banned Book Nooks’  

Hanover County students fight the book ban

Hanover County supervisors censor commendation for Girl Scout who fought censorship

Free to Read app:

Free to Read Instagram page:

Original draft of the proclamation celebrating Kate Lindley:

Amended proclamation:

Girl Scouts of the USA Gold Award:

Free to Read Amazon wish list: