Just Another Meat-Eating Dirtbag

Just Another Meat-Eating Dirtbag by Michael Anthony & Chai Simone

A rough-and-tumble Iraq War veteran is young and in love, and the last thing on his mind is food and the ethics of eating meat. But when his girlfriend becomes a vegetarian and animal rights activist, suddenly food is all he thinks about.

Just Another Meat-eating Dirtbag is a deceptively deep book masquerading as a light, humorous memoir of how love can make you do stupid things, animal cruelty, diet and how veterans reintegrate back into civilian life (and in some cases fail to).

I have read it three times over the past few months and had to ruminate on it before writing this review. Each time I read it I enjoyed it, and started rooting for Michael (at first) before his gaslighting attempts at turning his girlfriend away from her chosen path became apparent to me, and eventually to himself. I spent a good part of the book being wound up and dreading that Coconut (Michael’s girlfriend) would discover what he was doing and at the same time hoping that she would.

Does this story have a happy ending, or does Michael’s dirtbag doings have the required effect? Well that would be a massive spoiler, instead I will say hunt down this book in your local library or bookshop – you will not be disappointed that you do!

Honestly, this book more than any other has moved me to reconsider my diet, and the recommended reading list has added several titles to my TBR list.

An excellent addition to any collection of graphic memoirs and conversation starters on the ethics of meat eating, relationships and animal care!

This is Chai Simone’s debut graphic novel and I look forward to reading more works featuring her fantastic artwork!

Just Another Meat-eating Dirtbag is published by Street Noise Books and is available now!

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