Christmas Books on Television Times December 2018

Helen Smith the Learning Resources Manager at Eckington School has produced her annual literary television guide for December

Download (PDF, 3.91MB)

3 Thoughts on “Christmas Books on Television Times December 2018

  1. Maggie Thomas on December 14, 2018 at 3:06 am said:

    Thank you so much for all this hard work!can I share this with another librarian?

  2. Cara Trotter on December 14, 2018 at 10:10 am said:

    This is fantastic! Thank you so much, Helen, it’s obviously taken a lot of work. I’ll be putting copies of this in the staff room as well as here in the LRC.

  3. mattlibrarian on December 14, 2018 at 10:23 am said:

    Hi Maggie – sure thing! Helen made it to be shared (just be sure that she gets the credit for her hard work)

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