Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp Blog Tour

Before I Let Go is set in the literal middle of nowhere. What was the reason(s) behind this?

I wanted Lost to be lost. I wanted it to be its own insular universe, for better and for worse. That allowed me to delve deep into the collective psyche of Lost, without interference from the outside world. Small, tightknit communities can be wondrous places, and I love exploring their positive sides. But with Before I Let Go, I also wondered what would happened if I flipped that and focused on what would happened if an entire community fell under the thrall of a girl who really only wanted to be seen and heard. Moving Lost far from the rest of the world allowed me to do that.

Plus, there is something magical about snowy landscapes, isn’t there? Anything can happen in the woods.

Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp is published by Sourcebooks on 23/01/18.

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment on this post to win a copy of Before I Go.
The winner’s name will be pulled from a hat on the 1st February

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