Library Lessons: Looking at Genre

This lesson will act as an introduction to Genre for Year 7 students.


A particular type or style of literature, art, film or music that you can recognize because of its special features

Start with a general discussion on genres and look at some examples

Examples of Genre:

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Family
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Humour
  • Paranormal
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller
  • Discuss some of the features of each that make novels fall into that particular genre.


  • Can a book belong to more than one type of genre?
  • Can you think of any books that may belong to a particular genre?
  • Does the cover of a book give any indication as to what genre it could be?
  • Do you have a favourite genre?
  • Do you have a favourite novel if yes what genre does it fall into?

    Choose a book it can be your favourite book or the book you are currently reading, determine which genre it falls into then design and draw six alternate covers for it as if it was another genre. This can be done in library lesson time and also for homework.

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