Eight Years of Teen Librarian

The official birthday of Teen Librarian is today, on the 15th May 2006 the very first edition of Teen Librarian was launched, you can read it here: teenlibrarian.co.uk/newsletter.1.1.pdf.

It it so small when compared with the latest (and greatest) issue: teenlibrarian.co.uk/2014/05/15/teen-librarian-monthly-may-2014/

I still like the original logo design but will be sticking with the current design. I have started looking into a new image for the masthead but that is still a few months away.

I can honestly say that I did not think that Teen Librarian would last as long as it has, that it is still going is largely down to the community of Librarians, authors and other youth-focused pros that subscribe, provide comment and articles for the newsletter and let me know that they use the site.

Another group of people without whom running this site would be a chore is the book blogging community, they have made me feel most welcome and although I am (technically) a library blogger I do run fairly regular reviews and have been a stop on several book blog tours over the past few years.

Running Teen Librarian has enabled me to meet and become friends with a wide range of librarians, authors, publicists and related book-y folk. There are far, far too many to mention but I want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone that I have met and got to know along the way.

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