Read for My School Now Open to Secondary School Readers

Read for My School is a completely free national reading competition for schools in England. The competition will run in the spring term of 2014 and is open to all children in Primary School, Years 3 – 6, and Secondary School, Years 7 and 8. Children will be challenged to read as many books as they can over a two month period and may opt to submit a written piece around the power of reading and giving. At least 100,000 Pearson and Penguin books will be distributed in prizes to individual children and whole schools. This will be matched by a further donation of at least 100,000 books to charitable programmes distributing books around the world.

Children will have free access via this website to a wide-ranging library of online books, though they will also be free to read and log books of their own choice offline.

In its first year, Read for My School invited all children in Years 5 and 6 attending English primary schools to read as many books as they could from 21 January to 22 March 2013. Over 400,000 books were read by over 100,000 participants in 3,675 schools. For a fuller account see the Read for My School 2013 report. In 2014 our simple goal is to double the level of participation in Read for My School.

Read for My School is brought to you by The Pearson Foundation and Booktrust, with support from the Department for Education.


* increase the volume and variety of participating children’s reading so that they become more confident readers;
* improve attitudes to reading so that children’s reading continues beyond the end of the competition;
* strengthen the whole-school reading culture of participating schools;
* encourage children to develop a spirit of philanthropy so that they get more involved in meeting the needs of their school and wider community

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