Prop Competition: Win a Mockingjay Pin

To enter leave a comment about what you enjoy or have enjoyed most about working with young people in your library!


  • This competition is International
  • One entry per person
  • The competition is only open to librarians (in the interests of avoiding confusion: ANYONE that does paid or voluntary work in a library will be classed as a librarian, anybody saying something along the lines of “Only a person with a MA in X can be called a librarian!” will be unceremoniously shushed
  • The Mockingjay Pin will be a putterfly pin version
  • The competition will run until midnight UK time on the 6th May
  • The winner will be chosen with
  • 26 Thoughts on “Prop Competition: Win a Mockingjay Pin

    1. Richard Veevers on April 26, 2012 at 9:17 pm said:

      Making kids laugh at story-time so much, the teachers worry they’re making too much noise, in the Library, but it’s caused by a Librarian, but they’re in a Library, but he’s a Librarian……
      Pants, and More Pants: Nick Sharrat
      Nuddy Ned: Kes Gray
      The Great Dog Bottom Swap: Peter Bently

    2. Gemma Sosnowsky on April 27, 2012 at 8:36 am said:

      Learning that despite what the media says, many kids LOVE reading!

    3. Ruan Peat on April 27, 2012 at 8:42 am said:

      I love working with my pupils, I never know what they will throw at me next. They challenge me to be my best every day, and make me think much harder and do much better because of it. To know that they are the new adults makes me proud and thrilled. My own world is kept young by their interactions, and I hope to live up to their expectations.

    4. I love when I meet enthusiastic readers who I can talk about books with and introduce them to new authors. The joy on their face makes my day.

    5. I love it when the wee ones say “them computers don’t work. They can’t find what I’m looking for”. I say what are you looking for. Says young child – “horses”. Well how do you spell horses I ask. Says young child “hr”. I love it. I also love it when they take out a cook book and bring me back some baking! Yum. Hope they washed their hands.

    6. Dominique on April 27, 2012 at 9:34 am said:

      What I love, and will always love, is when a kiddywink comes up to you and asks, “Have you got a book…” and they linger with their pause just long enough for me to chip in and say, “Well, I think I have at least one.” or “You know what? I believe I do!!” or “I’m not sure, shall we go have a look, see if we can find one on all these empty shelves”….. so much fun! 🙂

    7. My entry is in the form of a poem, because their challenge this breaktime was to speak entirely in rhyme. It got very, very silly.

      Working with THEM.

      The giggling, the energy, the crafts and the reading,
      the writing of novels, the counselling-needing,
      the dancing, the rhyming, the odd homework timing.
      The talents, the stars, the planned trip to Mars.
      The cakes and arranging,
      their opinions still changing,
      the life and the spark, the ambition, the start
      of all they can be and of what they’ll become,
      and the small, vain hope you’ll be remembered by one.

    8. The authority I work for has a biennial children’s book festival, and I enjoy watching the children’s reactions when they discover that ‘Not all authors are dead’ and that ‘Sometimes they really struggled at school’. So many authors and illustrators these days are really good at talking to children, and they can be truly inspiring. For the children, getting their book signed with their name, personally by the author, gives them such a thrill, and I love being part of that.

    9. The best about working with children, is they are the ones I know who read manga!
      And being happy to see that kids are still reading things like Sherlock Holmes

    10. Emma Crofts on April 27, 2012 at 1:53 pm said:

      Knowing that I helped a student learn something that they didn’t know before and opened them up to new thoughts and ideas. Seeing them take pleasure from discovering a new book to read. Watching my book shy boys discover the world of Graphic Novels.

    11. Miss Stringfellow on April 27, 2012 at 2:15 pm said:

      I love it when we receive recommendations for resources from our students which we are able to buy. They’re always really pleased when the items come in stock (and surprised that you remember to tell them about it!). Book suggestions pave the way for a great relationship between students and library staff because there’s nothing better than a chat about your favourite literature.

    12. I don’t need to win the pin so don’t enter me 🙂 But I love that troublesome teens, ones a stranger would look at and write off, will come into the library to rave at me about the book I lent them last and beg me for another one.

    13. Janet Winfield on April 30, 2012 at 12:53 pm said:

      I love it when young people reluctantly come on a school visit to the library and tell you they don’t like any books. After a brief chat on what they do like they then spend the rest of the session completely engrossed in a book that compliments their interests. Even if they never visit a library again you know you found them something and they can never truthfully say again that they don’t like any books. RESULT

    14. Alex Tulloch on April 30, 2012 at 5:46 pm said:

      I’ve been running a teenage reading group for the past two years at my library, and for me the best bit is their enthusiasm. Not always for the book we’ve all just read, though sometimes they are enthusiastic about that, but just for reading in general. Even if they haven’t enjoyed, or even read more than a few pages of, the group book they still will have read something that month they want to talk about. It’s two years this month since we started the group, and we still have the same core members who love their books. Their enthusiasm is infectious and I’m glad to see it still there every month.

    15. Aubrey on May 1, 2012 at 5:51 am said:

      I love that the teens just really want to engage with others about all the new ideas and perspectives they encounter in the books they read and the things they see on tv or hear about. The way they are looking to connect with others and want to be involved is just so uplifting and makes working with them such a great joy.

    16. miffany white on May 1, 2012 at 10:08 am said:

      The pure enthusiasm & joy when you read a group a funny story & they all laugh out loud. When they are all patting your arm & tugging at your sleeve beacause they want to tell you about their favourite book

    17. Amy McKay on May 1, 2012 at 1:33 pm said:

      The small rush I get whenever I see a student around the building reading for pleasure. That or the grin I have to suppress whenever a teacher comes in to complain that a student was reading a library book in their lesson rather than working.

    18. I love the enthusiasm. A simple idea becomes a wonderful and colourful challenge. We do displays together and I love the fact that a giant 8ft high pair of legs might be a problem to make never crosses their minds. I also love the questions the sheer variety and diversity from how to fold origami to algebra to book ideas and that was just this morning!

    19. Janet Packer on May 2, 2012 at 2:08 pm said:

      Would love to win. I have an elderly lady borrower who loved the Hunger Games and told us she’d be proud to wear a mocking jay!

    20. Sophie Castle on May 3, 2012 at 1:15 pm said:

      Children are so enthusiatic and keen, they are the best audience for storytelling. I love reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and every child repeating the actions as well as the story. School visits to the library are always exciting because it’s a chance to engage children and I am always surprised at what they pick up on. Every time I read ‘Monkey and Me’ or ‘Peace at Last’ something new is pointed out. Children are also much more appreciative than adults!!

    21. working with them was my life this lately time. i said my life cause there were always a happiness and sadness with them. the time we did activities together, reading groups, watching movies, share library skills, celebrating international library month and more..
      one of the most things i like is their response about my thought and their own idea for our library, oftentimes amazing

    22. Ms Chadwick on May 4, 2012 at 10:57 am said:

      I love it when children trust me enough to share the books they’ve written or to talk about a book they’ve enjoyed. I love the surprises – when a child borrows a book for the first time in years because it’s about pigeons, or turns out to be a real star in the football quiz, or accepts help for the first time. I love it because they make me laugh.

    23. Karen Lilliman on May 4, 2012 at 8:30 pm said:

      I LOVE to see the reactions on the students’ faces when they find new books. As others have said, their enthusiasm is infectious and the joyful expressions every time a book from the ‘suggestions book’ arrives are truly wonderful! If we didn’t provide this service, who would?

    24. My best library moment was when a streetwise 13yo boy became totally engaged in an activity I ran which involved writing on ribbons, attaching a peg to one end, and then twirling it around, whilst chanting his descriptive sentence. Magic.

      I am an author who does library-based workshops for kids. Do I qualify for your comp? if not, no worries! Just wanted to share this story.

    25. Ellie Clarke on May 5, 2012 at 7:23 pm said:

      I’m 16 years old and only recently started working in a library as a volunteer. I love working at the library because it’s always a fun, happy atmosphere and the children, teens and adults are always friendly. my favorite part is helping the children to read, helping them pronounce words etc. The feeling you get when they develop there reading skill is amazing 😀

    26. Issy Grace on May 14, 2012 at 3:47 pm said:

      I love it when you see the look of trust and pride spark in the eyes of a young person as they connect with you and realise that they are respected and accepted….I love it when that look of trust and pride grows into a relationship where they feel that they can come and chat, get advice, express themselves with passion and honesty or simply shelter safely from the wind and rain.
      I have missed the deadline for this competition as I was away on my hols, but I would still love to share anyway!!!

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