Fool's Gold: an introduction

In early December a colleague sent me a link to an interesting article on the Times Educational Supplement (TES) Connect web page called Comic Belief. The article was about The Dearne High, a secondary school in Rotherham, south Yorkshire that had encouraged its students to create and produce Fool’s Gold, a 192 page graphic novel.

I later learned through correspondence with the Deputy Head that this was the second book that The Dearne High and its’ students have published and there may be more books on the way in the future.

Head Teacher’s Introduction

The publication of ‘Fool’s Gold represents a significant landmark in our School Improvement
journey. A journey predicated upon partnership and collaborative working, which seeks to place the learner at the heart of the learning process. We promote humanitarian values whilst supporting learners in developing the skills, knowledge, understanding and emotional intelligence needed to flourish as confident, articulate, self reflective learners; learners with an increased ability to problem solve, a desire to take risks, who operate as team players with a moral purpose. In essence, learners who clearly think and think clearly, who shape and assess their own learning and who are partners in the learning process.

‘Fool’s Gold’ has and will continue to act as a catalyst to increase students’ interest and enjoyment of reading and writing alongside the development of vital Personal Learning and Thinking Skills such as creative thinking, independent inquiry, self management, effective participation and team working, vital to individual and collective success in our increasingly competitive global market.

As a community we are extremely grateful for the significant support provided in the realisation of this project and very proud of the genuinely collaborative nature of the project.

Our journey continues …

Neil Clark
Head Teacher

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