Monthly Archives: February 2009

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Skim by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki

Winner of the 2008 Ignatz Award for Best Graphic Novel, and appearing on the New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book List, Skim is being published by Walker Books in the UK.

Skim The story, told in the form of a diary and comic strip is seen from the perspective of Kimberly Keiko “Skim” Cameron, an aspiring Wiccan and goth who is coping with a broken arm and separated parents when the suicide of (a possibly gay) ex boyfriend of a classmate throws hers and everyones’ lives into turmoil.

Having to deal with a guidance counselor who is concerned about her state of mind (goths being prone to self-harm and suicide) and the antagonism of the girls in the Celebrate Life club; she also has to cope with the growing realisation that she is falling in love with her Englsih teacher Mrs Archer and the fact that her Wiccan circle also serves as a branch of the local AA.

Skim is a brilliantly told and illustrated coming of age tale that will appeal to young readers and adults alike. This book deals with a number of themes that are relevant to teenagers (including suicide, parental separation, youthful alienation, the journey to finding oneself, love and many others) the story is told in a way that is hilarious and heart-breaking in equal measure. Skim is a likable (if sarcastic) protagonist who draws you in and makes you feel what she is feeling and at the end leaves you wanting to know what happens next.

It has been described by Paul Gravett as one of the best comics of 2008 and is truly deserving of that accolade!

Skim is due out in May and is highly recommended for all Graphic Novel collections!

Librarians without Borders

A message from Josie Crimp who is volunteering as a Librarian in Mexico:

Dear all,

I’d like to let you know about a volunteering opportunity for a librarian in Mexico. NPH International run children’s homes in 7 different Latin American countries. They take on children who have either been neglected or abandoned, and give them a permanent home.

I have spent the last 6 months volunteering as the librarian at the NPH home in Mexico, and have 6 months more here. I am hoping that when I leave at the end of June there will be another volunteer ready to take over from me and develop the library further. So I’ve decided to start advertising for the position now!

The position is for a minimum of a year, but all your living expenses are paid for – albeit at a basic level, so it’s an amazing opportunity to travel without a massive commitment to your pocket.

I’ve found my experience here an immense challenge – living with 600 children, learning to speak Spanish from scratch, living on orphanage food – but I’ve never once had any regrets about coming here, and I feel I’ve developed immensely in the 6 months I’ve been here.

If you’re intererested in applying, more information about the charity can be found on the website – – and you can apply online by clicking on ‘Volunteers’ and then ‘Applications’ (Select United States on the list of countries) .

It’s worth noting that whilst Spanish knowledge is useful, I arrived having been learning it for only 3 months, and survived. A qualification in librarianship isn’t a requisite, but I think my training, and my experiences in english public libraries helped me massively with my work. And, obviously, don’t apply unless you like working with children!

Please take a moment to think about it – if you want your life to change this year, this is a surefire way of doing so!

Many thanks,

Josie Crimp

Teen Librarian Monthly: February

The February edition of Teen Librarian Monthly is available to download here: TLM: February

Rapping up Darwin & Evolution

Worth publicising in the Teen areas in Libraries, I am hoping to make it down to the London show.


Darwin Bicentenary 2009

An evening programme to celebrate the Life, Work and Legacy of
Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882)

Monday, 9 February: Chemistry Lecture Theatre, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW 7.30pm

Tuesday, 10 February: AV Hill Lecture Theatre, UCL, Gower St, London WC1 7.30pm

Thursday 12 February: Medical School, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT 6pm

Friday 13 February: The Hive, 5 Belmont, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TE 7.30pm

Organised by Professor Mark Pallen, Author of The Rough Guide to Evolution

Sponsored by the British Council

Download the flyer here: darwintourflyer.pdf