Neil Fucking Gaiman

Neil Gaiman has a storyteller’s voice, rich and deep it draws the listener in and lulls us into a sense of relaxation that still leaves us alert and hooked on every word he speaks – honestly I could listen to him reading a shopping list his voice is that good!

I have been a fan of his writing since I borrowed Good Omens from my library – I was a Terry Pratchett fan when I started that fantastic work but by the time it was finished I had become a fan of Neil as well.

Following on from Good Omens I found the first trade paperbacks for The Sandman, that series became one of my all-time comic favourites and is probably the series that I have read and reread most over the years. It was A Game of You that introduced me to a major transgender character, growing up in South Africa limited my (and many other people’s) exposure to the fact that trans people exist. After Sandman there was The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr Punch, Neverwhere (on videocassette – still the best way to watch that series), the two Death miniseries, his Death Talks About Life comic insert about safe sex practices formed part of my graphic novels in libraries thesis in library school.

When I moved to the UK in the early 2000s, I had opportunities to hear him speak in person (and get books and comics signed and personalized), fans would wait in life for hours to get something signed. As a member of the London branch of the Youth Libraries Group I championed The Graveyard Book as one of YLG London’s official nominations for the CILIP Carnegie Medal. I have purchased and still own many of his novels all of which have has signed.

Listening to his reading of Click Clack the Rattle Bag became one of my go-tos for Halloween library activities when I was a school librarian and All Hallows Read is a Halloween celebration that I have regularly participated in.

In 2017 as part of the CILIP Carnegie Medal celebrations I was selected to interview Neil live on Twitter, which was one of the most exhilarating times as a library worker and fan of his writing.  

His outspoken support of libraries and library workers gained him many more fans in the library world, when he spoke people sat up and took notice.

All this is to say that as a fan and aficionado of his work all I can say now is Fucking Neil Gaiman!

The four part podcast Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman from Tortoise Media is well-made and makes for compelling and difficult listening.

While commentators can and have been quibbling over the he said she said nature of the accusations, one thing is perfectly clear to me – what Neil is accused of, and has admitted to doing (even though he claims it was consensual and the text messages appear to bear this up) is wrong (if not illegal).

As a fairly vanilla person even I know that BDSM comes with strict rules to prevent abuse – the knowledge of safe words is in the mainstream. Plus you don’t try to (at best) seduce or (at worst) abuse people employed by you or your spouse (actually it is a fairly standard written rule that you do not sleep with employees) plus the 20-40 year age gap and massive power differential is just gross. Taking advantage of vulnerable young adults is something that happens all too frequently – and as someone who has worked with at risk young people I have seen the aftermath of this many times over the years.

Speaking personally as a library worker and human when the news broke I was gutted, Neil’s work had been part of my life for decades, I looked up to him as a phenomenal writer and staunch defender of human rights. However we cannot remain silent in the face of abuse no matter how much we may love or look up to the person accused! I unequivocally condemn his actions and stand firmly with his accusers. His behaviour has not only hurt those who he predated upon but also those who looked up to him and believed that he was an ally.


Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman Podcast

Exclusive: Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault Tortoise Media

Tortoise Media

Bestselling author of The Sandman Neil Gaiman denies accusations of ‘sexual assault’ Bookseller article

Neil Gaiman Denies Sexual Assault Allegations Made by Two Women Rolling Stone article

A third women has come forward with allegations against Neil Gaiman:

When a dam starts leaking it is often not long before there are more cracks appearing and more leaks appear. Such is the curious case of Neil Gaiman with more accusations surfacing and a fifth part of the podcast from Tortoise. More links below:

Master episode 5: the NDAs

Tortoise Exclusive: Two more women accuse Neil Gaiman of sexual assault and abuse

Neil Gaiman denies new sexual assault and abuse allegations by two women Bookseller article

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