The Guantánamo Bay Library Association

A few days ago in a fit of gallows humour after reading too much of the Project 2025 policy document I made a social media post referencing the Guantánamo Bay Library Association as one of the many threats contained within P2025 is the criminalization of library workers.

My joke (& fear) is that we will be rounded up in one of the purges following the expulsion of undocumented immigrants and, at best, locked up in Gitmo. The thought that there will eventually be a Guantánamo Bay Library Association (because library folk love organizing) came from that musing as did a belief that we can do something to sway people to avoid this path that looms before us. SO I have created this post where people can find resources to help push back against this possibility and (possibly) gain inspiration to educate our library patrons about this very real threat.

These are some resources that may be useful:

EveryLibrary helps public, school, and college libraries win funding at the ballot box, ensuring stable funding and access to libraries for generations to come. We also support grassroots groups across the country defend and support their local library against book banning, illicit political interference, and threats of closure.

Banning Books and the Law:

Kelly Jensen of BookRiot has been sounding the alarm about the threat to libraries for years:

Penguin Random House How We’re Fighting Censorship: Legal Action:

Lawsuits Against Book Bans Begin to Gain Traction

A tip sheep for library workers facing harassment

Illinois’ new anti-book ban legislation is an initiative of Secretary of State and State Librarian Alexi Giannoulias, who was sworn into office as the state’s 38th Secretary of State in January 2023.

17 States Are Considering Laws That Would Imprison Librarians

The School Board Project

A while ago I put together a basic intro to Project 2025 booklist providing a visual representation of some of the changes that will be enacted if the aims of Project 2025 are put into practice, as well as links to the relevant chapter of The Mandate for Leadership that details how this will happen:

Columnist Molly Jong-Fast and historian Thomas Zimmer about Project 2025—a controversial roadmap unveiled by the conservative Heritage Foundation outlining a radical vision for a second Trump administration. They discussthe projects plans to reshape the U.S. government, ranging from increased presidential control to dismantling protections for minorities and marginalized groups. Zimmer provides insights into the four pillars of Project 2025, the implications for American democracy, and the potential broader impacts on society:

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